Hey there! My name is Kiran. I am a Travel Planner with M&M Magical Adventures. I have an immense love for travel, whether it's a weekend road trip or a several week trip around Europe, to amusement parks, beaches, and everything in between!
When I'm not on an adventure, I am a chiropractic assistant and bartender. I am always planning my next trip and I hold a special place in my heart for Disney destinations, cruises, and international travel! The most exciting thing in the world to me is planning a trip to a place I've never been, and I'm usually the go-to person for my friends and family who are planning their own journeys!
I cannot wait to help you make your vacation dreams come true!
M&M Magical Adventures is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller of Travel. Registration No. ST40714
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M&M Magical Adventures Copyright 2024 - Disney artwork, logos, and properties: © Disney | Ships' Registry: The Bahamas
All other images and video © M&M Magical Adventures 2024