Welcome!! My name is Taegan Ziviski, and I am your future travel planner with M&M Magical Adventures. I absolutely love to travel. I effectively got the travel bug when I completed my education degree in Ramstein, Germany. My husband and I love traveling to new places and cannot wait to explore each and every continent. I am, and always will be, a Disney nerd and Potterhead. I have not only been to the Disney and Universal Studios parks multiple times, but have visited many of the locations that inspired the stories and movies we all love. My family has been going to Disney and Universal since I was very young. We still love to recreate our original family photos when we all get to go together. My husband and I love going to the beach, tropical islands, cruises, and Florida. I can’t wait to help you Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo or Accio your way to your Disney or Universal trip!
M&M Magical Adventures is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller of Travel. Registration No. ST40714
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M&M Magical Adventures Copyright 2024 - Disney artwork, logos, and properties: © Disney | Ships' Registry: The Bahamas
All other images and video © M&M Magical Adventures 2024