When our son was born, I knew I couldn’t wait to take him to Disney! He had just turned one and off we went! We went back when he was 2, 3, and then did our first Disney cruise when he was 4. I can’t help but smile when I start the booking process for families because I know how magical it is! I have always loved planning, and my mom jokes that I am planning my next vacation while I’m on vacation. Disney has been such a special place for my family, and especially our son who has ADHD. Disney is SO accommodating with his special needs and diet. I never have to worry, and that makes Disney so much more special for me! Being a Travel Agent brings me so much joy, and I love being a part of so many special memories that families make!
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M&M Magical Adventures Copyright 2024 - Disney artwork, logos, and properties: © Disney | Ships' Registry: The Bahamas
All other images and video © M&M Magical Adventures 2024